Student Visionaries of the Year Bakersfield

Crossing Out Cancer | Crossing Out Cancer


  • Michelle Gutwald

    Thank you for making a positive difference in so many lives! I am sure that you will have a wonderful fundraising event! It sounds like a super fun evening! ❤️

  • Elaine F Clifford

    Thank you and good luck to team Crossing Out Cancer, Student Visionaries of the Year Campaign. (Sky,Maddy and Lola.

  • Thomas Kidde

    Learned of this from Sky and Lola's grandparents, Barb and Bob, and honored to be able to contribute to such a worthy cause.

  • Barb and Bob Harding

    Thank you for the opportunity to support LLS!

  • Bridget and Jeff Davies

    What a wonderful project, we hope you reach your goal!

  • Justin Golding

    Crossing out Cancer Matthew and Samantha

  • Donna Hylton

    My donation to honor my granddaughter Addyson Eggers!

  • Kaitlin Bloemhof

    Great work girls! Keep it up.

  • Addy Eggers

    BCHS girls team!!

  • Anonymous

    Great Job On your paint night!!!!! I had fun

  • Diane Bashirtash

    What a great cause! We are happy to support!

  • Anonymous

    This donation is in honor of a dear friend and coworker fighting a battle right now. I pray that there is a cure found soon for all of the people fighting this battle right now.

  • Anonymous

    Great efforts, Crossing Out Cancer! (Paint Night contributions.)

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